Environmental Enforcement Deputy
The Pitt County Sheriff’s Office has a full time Environmental Enforcement Deputy who is assigned to work hand in hand with the county’s Solid Waste and Recycling Department.
The deputy patrols the county searching for and mitigating instances of illegal dumping and littering. The deputy coordinates roadside litter prevention campaigns, roadside cleanup campaigns, and other programs designed to keep Pitt County the clean community that our citizens deserve.
Consequences of Illegal Dumping
Illegal Dumping can result in:
Three (3) years in jail
Confiscation of vehicle
Penalties up to $2,000
Three (3) times cost of cleanup
Covered Loads
All loads coming into the transfer stations must be covered.
Fines for uncovered loads are as follows:
$100 first offense
$200 second offense
$400 subsequent offense
More information on the county’s Solid Waste & Recycling efforts may be found at: